On Going

MG 6-Red Open Snooker Shootout Tournament 2025

01-Feb-2025 to 19-Feb-2025

Venue :

Matunga Gymkhana
Lakhamshi Napoo Road , Matunga , Mumbai - 400 019




1st - 19th February 2025

Last Date of Entry
Entry Form
Entries Recieved
26 Jan 2025

Entry Fees

  • This tournament is only for players with +30 handicap or more in Mumbai Snooker League.
    Rs. 600/- (MG Member)
    Rs. 1,200/- (Others)


    Entries restricted to 128 Only.

    (after that we will keep 10 players on waitlist,who will  be given entry if any other players backout )


    Entry Form



Winner   - Rs. 50,000/- + Trophy 
Runners-Up - Rs. 30,000/- + Trophy
Semi-Finalist - Rs. 30,000/- (15000 x 2) 
Quarter-Finalist - Rs. 30,000/- (7500 x 4)
Pre-Quarter-Finalist - Rs. 30,000/- (3750 x 8)
Criteria (30+ Breaks Only)
1st Highest Break Rs. 6,000/-
2nd Highest Break Rs. 4,000/-

Match Format & Rules

Matunga Gymkhana is organizing a 6-Red Open Snooker Shootout Tournament under the auspices of BSAM.  This tournament is only for players with +30 handicap or more in Mumbai Snooker League.

Knock-out from day one (Best of 7 frames)
Quarter Finals & Semi-Finals (Best of 9 frames)
Finals (Best of 11 frames)


Rules and Regulations
Rules for walk over:
Player must report 15 minutes prior to their scheduled time.
A player coming 5 minutes late will lose one frame.
A player coming 15 minutes late will lose the match.
Rules for Dress Code:
Collared T-Shirts will be allowed. Please note that proper dress code needs to be adhered to by the players. Low waist jeans, trousers displaying undergarments while playing, chappals, sandals, caps, playing barefoot, shorts, 3/4ths shall be strictly NOT ALLOWED.
However, the tournament committee shall make an exception if a genuine medical report or doctors' certificate is produced.
A player shall not be allowed to play if the above dress code is not adhered to.

Discipline and Decorum:
All participants are requested to maintain decorum in the club premises. Any participant, viewers and / or spectators failing to do so will not be permitted to enter the club.
Consumption of any illegal substances strictly prohibited. Matunga Gymkhana premises are a complete no Smoking zone, anyone found to do so the management reserves the right to take immediate action.
ALL INFORMATION SUCH AS DRAWS, FIXTURES, RESULTS SHALL ONLY BE POSTED ON OUR WEBSITE www.bsam.in and WhatsApp group (MG 6 Red Open to which players will be added after entry and payment confirmations)


Matunga Gymkhana

• Frame length: Each frame is of 15 minutes. The match clock shall commence from the moment the cue-ball is struck for the initial opening stroke.
• Break-off: It will be decided with a coin toss.
• Shot clock: Players have 15 seconds per shot. A shot clock will be started by the timing official in agreement with the referee. It will stop at the exact moment the player strikes the cue-ball. The timing official will start the shot clock:
(i) when all balls have come to rest, and the spotting of any balls required is completed; or
(ii) after an infringement, when the referee hands the cue-ball to the incoming player.
Should a player have reason to question a refereeing decision, the shot clock will not be paused unless the referee deems it necessary. The referee shall then call TIME OUT and the shot clock shall be paused by the timing official. The referee shall then decide whether to re-start or re-set the shot clock.
If a player asks the referee to clean a ball, the shot clock will not be paused unless the referee deems it necessary to clean the ball. The referee shall then call TIME OUT and the shot clock shall be paused by the timing official and re-started by indication from the referee, during this phase the players must walk away from the table (not to be in line of the shot).
Provided a stroke commences within the allotted time, the stroke will be completed regardless of the shot clock or match clock expiring and any points scored, or foul points shall be awarded.
Failure to commence a stroke within the allotted time will result in a time foul being awarded. This will incur a minimum of 4 foul points or the value of the ball on, whichever is greater, and the incoming player receives the cue-ball from the referee and plays from ‘In hand’.
• Fouls: Following all fouls, the cue-ball is played from ‘In hand’. ‘In hand’ shall mean the cue-ball can be placed anywhere on the playing area and the incoming player does not have the option of asking their opponent to ‘play again’ or ‘re-spot’. The shot clock starts when the incoming player receives the cue-ball from the referee.
• Snooker behind nominated ball is not allowed.
• On the colour balls (yellow onwards), a player needing 4 Snookers or more (40 points or more) will have to COMPULSORILY concede the frame to the player leading at that point.
• Tied frame: A blue ball shoot-out determines the winner of tied frame. The blue ball is placed on its spot and the cue ball can be placed anywhere within the "D". The player who pots the blue ball with the cue ball from inside the "D" and the blue ball on its spot with the opponent missing wins the match. The Blue ball must be potted directly and contacting any part of any cushion other than the curved face of the attempted pocket is regarded as a non-scoring stroke.

(Foul and a Miss) of the Official Rules of the Game of Snooker do not apply
Due to time restraint, the non-striker will not be deemed to be breaching etiquette should they remain closer to the table than normal.

The referee is the ultimate arbiter and their decision is final. Should any eventuality not be covered by these Rules the referee's decision will stand and, where applicable, it will set a precedent.

* Markers decision will be final in the absence of Referee.


Tournament Director - Aditya Agrawal  : 8104598097

Matunga Gymkhana Coordinators
Darshan Shah : 9867622003
Naresh Sadarangani : 9930752328

BSAM Coordinators
Devendra Joshi
Vishal Madan